That day, we embarked on a full day of ziplining followed by surfing. I was particularly excited about this day because, a long time ago, I had made a bucket list of things that I wish to accomplish in my life, and learning to surf and ziplining were both on it. I had an absolutely amazing day. The zipline course had twelve zips, and I was even brave enough to ride one upside down like Spiderman. After a lunch of salad, hummus, and warm pita bread, we headed to surf lessons on Jaco Beach. After a brief introduction to the mechanics, we were thrown into the ocean. On my first wave, I was surprised when I was able to stand up and ride all the way to shore.
After catching five waves, I retired to the shore to enjoy the sun.
Day 2 at Turtles was another early start for an all-day rafting trip on the River Savegre. Accompanied by out wonderful guide named Edmundo, I traversed through class 3 rapids with a group of six teenage girls. I was so impressed with their teamwork, and I was proud that they conquered their fears and enjoyed the ride.
After a long day, I returned to the Turtle base house to collect my things, and I left for the bus ride home to San Jose and for work on Monday morning. It still amazes me that I was able to accomplish so much in just one weekend, and I was especially glad that I was able to help with the Turtle Conservation Project as well. I would definitely welcome the opportunity to return to this special place again. After all, of all the things that I did this weekend, I still did not see a sea turtle.